Friday 12 March 2010

Scrutiny of unfamiliar found footage

Work has gone slow... but today, I seemed to have an energy in which got me motivated into sorting out bits of footage I liked, bits I didn't!

I recently bought ANOTHER Super 8 projector, unluckily it isn't too brilliant and I'm not sure I will be able to use it i
n the exhibition - it does nothing but chew up any film I feed into it! Thought my trusty Projector's bulb blew today, but it was just having a rest, I do have one bulb spare but I didn't have a screwdriver on me at the time, but its fine now...

I also bought a HD Camcorder... its exciting as I have never owned a camcorder and the digital footage of my work was all filmed using a tiny pocket digital stills camera! Lucky me I have this amazing one now, which is practically no bigger than my tiny stills camera, but WAY better!

Today I found myself up and about pretty early for me, I went to my studio and started sorting through my films, what films I wanted to use. Its difficult as I only like say a couple of seconds in the middle of the 2-3 minute film, and that could be all from one film... so trawling through all the films to find the bits I want, but then working out what bit goes with what other bit and so forth... its just time consuming and tedious... I stress... but love the splicing ... the sound the little plastic splicer makes :)
A meeting was had between landlord and tenants at the Arts Centre where I have my studio this morning at 11, to just see how the place and things were running for the building the individual rooms and whether there were any problems etc...

Afterwards I carried on sorting and sifting through stacks of films ... (If anyone has any old Super 8 film they don't want any more then please let me know! It could end up in some sexy art film on show in Derby!)

This week has gone mighty quick! Work has been pretty good, gone alot smoother with the lovelier weather we have been having... taking away today of course, that was nasty! I spent most of today at work playing 'Headbandz' (the game where you have a card on your head with a picture of something say, a tin of baked beans and 'I am a tin of Baked Beans' wrote above and you take it in turns to ask questions to guess what you are... it was fun the first few games but after at least 2 hours of playing it it can be pretty strenuous!

Anyways, until another time

x X x

Sunday 7 March 2010

New beginnings...

Ok, so I thought it best to set up a proper blogging site to update about my ongoing work towards my exhibition in May '10.

To cover so far, I was shortlisted along with 11 others from my degree show from the East Midlands to write a proposal for an exhibition. A proposal was written back at the end of '0
9 and accepted for a bursary to create new works for a group exhibition consisting of 5 recent Art graduates. The Exhibition will be called Future Focus and is a chance for recent graduates to get their name out there.

Basically I am getting some money to make some lovely sexy films and then the chance to exhibit them in a lovely gallery space in Derby called QUAD. The bursary gives us the chance to be mentored throughout, with regular meetings with the mentor, curators and the technicians within the gallery space. Also throughout the six week exhibition there will be a professional practice group seminar for the public to attend. (This bit terrifies me!)

Our first major deadline was on the 1st of this month, having to present images and text for the brochure, which then may be used for press releases and such like...
I'm not sure what images will be used but I had sent 5 altogether...

Are memories always there?

Stuck in the continual focus of our minds?

Do they ever disappear?

Ever vanish completely?

Are they hiding just waiting for a trigger to drag them to the surface?

Remembered memories, are they real? Did they actually happen or are they just a figment of our imagination?

Can we create a memory?

More to update at a later date!


x X x